5 Practical and Effective Ways to Cut Fat After Bulking

How to cut fat after bulking

Getting jacked and bulky is something many people aim for. For that, they join the gym and do a multitude of exercises.

On top of that, people want to have more muscles and for that, they consume a lot of protein-rich foods and supplements that enhance the growth level of muscles. All of this when considered and followed obediently results in desirable bulking. 

However, there's a drawback to this. 

Once someone starts getting lazy on that muscle training, the same bulk starts loosening and they also accumulate fat. Since that would be an unfavorable situation for anyone, we've brought some measures to cut fat after bulking.

Through this blog, we'll learn how to cut properly after bulking and maintain/restore hard-earned muscles. 

Furthermore, the blog also mentions one popular supplement that is known for aiding fat loss, namely PrimeGenix Calmlean.

We'll briefly do a Calmlean review to know about the product's ingredients and benefits so that you may trigger the fat-cutting process. Therefore, let's begin with answering the prime concerned question.

How to Cut Fat After Bulking?

Bulking requires the consumption of a lot of calories that further elevates muscle building and expansion. As a result of which, the bulked muscles gradually encompass a layer of fat. 

Cutting after bulking targets this layer of fat to reveal muscles hidden beneath it. Given below are easily doable steps that one can follow to efficiently shred this fat. 

1. Cut Calories and Carbs

One of the most common approaches to cutting is lowering the intake of carbs and calories from the diet.

Now, one cannot totally drop their count because they act as fuel for body functions. So, simply stop eating more than needed because the calories and carbs get stored as fat.

One should decrease the number of carbs in the diet in certain phases ranging from 6 weeks to 2 months with essential breaks every 2 weeks. 

2. Consume Protein

If you're wondering how to cut after bulking without losing muscle, then continued consumption of protein is the answer.

Proteins are building blocks and are primarily responsible for synthesizing muscle tissues. It also acts as an appetite suppressant as it keeps the stomach feeling full which helps in lowering the calorie intake and preventing unnecessary cravings.

Furthermore, protein enhances thermogenic processes and maintains lean muscle mass.

3. Engage in Strength Training

Along with the consumption of protein that already naturally builds muscle, one needs to do some intensive strength training to enhance muscle growth.

Strength training burns fat and increases lean body mass. This balances the muscle growth after bulking and makes the muscles look more toned and defined.

Weight lifting is one of the most effective in such cases along with other exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and oblique twists.

4. Avoid Excessive Cardio

Everyone knows the exercises they must do, one should also be aware of the exercises that should be avoided.

Cardio is one such exercise, and one should not depend on steady-state cardio for losing all the weight.

Instead of focusing totally on a single exercise, one may go for multiple resistance training and HIIT programs that help effectively in cutting.

They increase fat burning and attempt to maintain body composition.

5. Supplementation 

One popular way of cutting muscles is taking the help of dietary supplements available in the market. Even though it is possible to cut without using external help, it is still hard.

Supplementation makes the work easy and efficient, as it stimulates the properties helpful in weight loss all at once.

Along with being a fat burner, the supplements also help in suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism, and increasing energy levels while maintaining overall health. 

Interestingly, if you're looking for one such weight loss supplement to help cut fat, then the blog has brought just the perfect product.

PrimeGenix Calmlean

PrimeGenix Calmlean is a popular weight loss supplement available in the market that helps in rapid fat burning.

The manufacturers of the product claim that it boosts metabolism rate within minutes and prohibits fat formation. 

Calmlean works by stimulating the thermogenesis process which increases the internal temperature and promotes rapid fat burning.

Furthermore, it also suppresses appetite that reduces calorie intake, and further causes weight loss.  

PrimeGenix Calmlean contains 3 active ingredients that are 100% natural and scientifically proven for their benefits.

These include 500 mg of Forskolin, 100 mg of Cayenne Pepper, and 5 mg of Bioperin along with 200 mcg of Chromium as Chromium Polynicotinate.

All these ingredients work in one way or the other to boost metabolism rate and enhance calorie burn.

Moreover, the product is 100% stim and caffeine free which means it does not contain any harmful stimulates to aid cutting. 

Calmlean manufacturers recommend taking 2 capsules of it with a glass of water every day to experience quick results.

Furthermore, in case you're not satisfied, there is also a 100% money-back guarantee with a 67-day guarantee period. However, we still suggest taking a quick look at some Calmlean reviews before making any purchase. 


The bottom line is cutting fat after bulking is a task one must go through if they are invested in muscle building.

There are different ways to achieve a perfectly toned body and it's simple too! Reading the blog we learned about five of those steps that one may include in their everyday routine to experience desirable results.

Additionally, one way also takes the use of weight loss supplements that are present in abundance in the market. 

Through the blog, we got to know about PrimeGenix Calmlean which is one such fat-burning supplement.

After reading about the ingredients and working mechanism we have an overall review of the product.

Furthermore, if one wants to know more about the product and get total satisfaction, there is a PrimeGenix Calmlean reviews available on its official website for reference. Other than that, you're all set to go and cut some fat!